I am making my first Java program (In hopes to master it in the next century) and have ran into some issues. When I try to create a string with a combination of text and previou
In this line
String emailBody = "Application 'Bitter Coffee' has been activated and has ran successfully" + "
The activators information is as follows: " + "
Clipboard Data: " + data + "
Active Tasks: " + input + "
Program created by Silver (CEO of Idrees Inc) for theoretical and educational purposes only
No data received from this app is used for any other purpose except the ones above
Do NOT use this for any purposes other than the conditions above (Including the recording or saving of any data obtained with this program)
You may NOT distribute, copy, or modify this program without the express permission of Silver (idrees@idreesinc.com)
I am not responsible for any damages, physical or virtual, caused by this program
Clipboard and Task-list checkers based off programs by csanuragjain (http://www.codeproject.com/Members/csanuragjain)
SMTP email with Gmail created by Arpit Shah (Founder of Crunchify.com [crunchify.com/about])
Copyright IdreesInc.com All rights reserved";
The variable data
, input
are out of scope, declare them as instance variables and use it
public class Application {
private static String input;
private static String data;
Please prefer to read :Java language specification on blocks