I want to sort an array of words alphabetically. Unfortunately, in my language (Croatian), there are double-character letters (e.g. lj, nj, dž), and letters that are not properl
Here is a class that can help you sort array of strings based on a specific alphabet characters table:
alphabet = range('a', 'z');
* Set the characters table to use for sorting
* @param array $alphabet The characters table for the sorting
public function setAlphabet($alphabet) {
$this->alphabet = $alphabet;
* Split the string into an array of the characters
* @param string $str The string to split
* @return array The array of the characters characters in the string
public function splitter($str){
return preg_split('//u', $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
* Find the place of the char in the alphabet table
* @param string $chr The character to find
* @return mixed the place of the char in the table or NULL if not found
public function place($chr) {
return array_search($chr, $this->alphabet);
* Do the comparison between the 2 strings
* @param string $str1 The first
* @param string $str2 The first
* @return int The values -1, 0, 1 if $str1 < $str2, $str1 == $str2 or $str1 > $str2 accordingly
public function compare($str1, $str2) {
$chars1 = $this->splitter($str1);
$chars2 = $this->splitter($str2);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($chars1) && $i < count($chars2); $i++) {
$p1 = $this->place($chars1[$i]);
$p2 = $this->place($chars2[$i]);
if ($p1 < $p2) {
return -1;
} elseif ($p1 > $p2) {
return 1;
if (count($chars1) <= count($chars2)) {
return -1;
return 0;
* Sort an array of strings based on the alphabet table
* @param Array $ar The array of strings to sort
* @return Array The sorted array.
public function sort_array($ar) {
usort($ar, array('self', 'compare'));
return $ar;
To use with your specific alphabet you can use the setAlphabet
function to configure your own characters-sort-table:
$sorted_words = $comperator->sort_array($words);
The output is your original array:
array(34) {
[0] =>
string(4) "alfa"
[1] =>
string(4) "beta"
[2] =>
string(3) "car"
[3] =>
string(7) "čvarci"
[4] =>
string(4) "ćup"
[5] =>
string(4) "drvo"
[6] =>
string(5) "džem"
[7] =>
string(4) "đak"
[8] =>
string(5) "endem"
[9] =>
string(5) "fićo"
[10] =>
string(4) "grah"
[11] =>
string(5) "hrana"
[12] =>
string(7) "idealan"
[13] =>
string(6) "jabuka"
[14] =>
string(4) "koza"
[15] =>
string(5) "lijep"
[16] =>
string(7) "ljestve"
[17] =>
string(5) "mango"
[18] =>
string(4) "nebo"
[19] =>
string(6) "njezin"
[20] =>
string(5) "obrva"
[21] =>
string(7) "pivnica"
[22] =>
string(6) "qwerty"
[23] =>
string(4) "riba"
[24] =>
string(3) "sir"
[25] =>
string(6) "šaran"
[26] =>
string(5) "tikva"
[27] =>
string(10) "umanjenica"
[28] =>
string(7) "večera"
[29] =>
string(4) "wind"
[30] =>
string(5) "x-ray"
[31] =>
string(6) "yellow"
[32] =>
string(5) "zakaj"
[33] =>
string(5) "žena"