My application generates between 35 and 55 PDF files of which I have to automatically print four copies.
All these files are in a single folder.
My requirement i
You can use pdfprint.exe (third party utility) to achieve the purpose. We are using the same to print bunch of pdf files generated at specified location. You can write batch file whcih accepts parameter like printer name,no of copies,pdf file FULL PATH,log file name to read status,and orientation L-landscape or portrait and call batch file from some appliction like .net.
We have batch file written as below:
@echo off
:. %1 - Printer Name
:. %2 - Number of Copies
:. %3 - PDF File path to print
:. %4 - Name of Log file
:. %5 - Orientation of pdf printing file 1 = Portratit and 2 = Landscape
:. Add -restoreprinter -checkjobstatus which will maintain the default printer settings.
set PdfPrintPath=some valid path (C:\Folder) where pdfprint.exe is placed
%PdfPrintPath%\pdfprint.exe -restoreprinter -printer %1 -copies %2 -orient %5 %3
set ErrLevel=%errorlevel%
Please let me know for any problem. Have a nice day.