I am currently having an issue running a Jessica application via VS2010 and Cassini. The code below is what I am running however when I attempt to use either PUT or DELETE verb
Put verb should work with IIS Express and for this you need to enable WebDAV (IIS Express installs WebDAV but it does not enable it by default). And also WebDAV does not work with anonymous authentication. So you need to enable WebDAV, disable anonymous authentication and enable Windows Authentication. Follow below steps;
1.Find following three entries in the applicationhost.config file located in user profile(%userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config) and un-comment them (by default they are commented)
Note: Above three elements are not at one place in the configuration file.
2.Add following configuration entry at the end of the applicationhost.config file (Just before ''
element )
Note: In the above config entry replace 'WebSite1' with your site name
3.Restart IIS Express
4.Now try PUT/DELETE request