How can I achieve the same effect like twitter\'s log-in form (the top on the right) - when you click on the username/pass the value \"username\" stays there until you enter tex
I've coded a plugin to do this, couldn't find any that use the twitter-like div default value.
See working fiddle:
// Basic Usage:
$('input').defaultText({ text: 'Username' });
// Provide a class to use:
$('input').defaultText({ text: 'Email address', css: 'enter_email' });
$.fn.defaultText = function(options) {
var defaults = {
css: 'dimmed'
var options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
if (!('text' in options)) return this;
var input = this[0],
$input = this,
offset = $input.offset();
function hide() {
function show() {
function focus() {
if (input.value.length) hide();
else show();
// Create div to put placeholder text in
var $div = $('' + options.text + '')
// Position it to the same place as the input box:
.css({ position: 'absolute',
left: offset.left + 4,
cursor: 'text'
.click(function() {
.addClass(options.css + ' unselectable')
// Also add the class to the input box:
.keyup(focus).blur(function() {
if (!input.value.length) show();
return this;
465 bytes minified, 323 gzipped:
$.fn.defaultText=function(a){function d(){;b.add(c).addClass(a.css)}
function e(){f.value.length?(c.hide(),b.add(c).removeClass(a.css)):d()}
a=$.extend({},{css:"dimmed"},a);if(!("text"in a))return this;var f=this[0],
.addClass(a.css+" unselectable").appendTo("body");b.addClass(a.css).keyup(e)
.blur(function(){f.value.length||d()});return this};