I\'m having a bit of trouble figuring out this error I have. So I have a Person class, and a Student subclass.
The Person class has the following constructor:
You need to delegate to the correct ctor from the base class like this:
Student::Student(const string &name, int regNo)
: Person( name )
this->regNo = regNo;
Note that this uses initializer lists, so you could use the more idiomatic
Student::Student(const string &name, int regNo)
: Person( name ), regNo( regNo )
and for the Person
Person(const string &name)
: name( name )
The initializer list is used to initialize base classes and the member variables, everything you don't explicitly put in there is default constructed (and in your code, it is later assigned in the ctor's body). Since Person
is not default constructible, you must initialize it in the initializer list.