I\'ve searched all over to see if there is an easy answer to this question, but there doesn\'t seem to be...
I\'m using Excel VBA 2003 (yes, I know it\'s out-of date, bu
As John mentions above, reflection is not supported in VBA. Here is a hack that I have used before. Basically you can create a Collection or Dictionary object to store your "properties" by name.
Option Explicit
Private pProperties As Object
Public Property Get Properties() As Object
Set Properties=pProperties
End Property
Public Property Let Properties(p as Object)
Set pProperties = p
End Property
Sub Class_Initialize()
Set pProperties = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Add/instantiate your properties here
pProperties("foo") = "this is foo"
pProperties("bar") = "this is bar"
End Sub
Calling code
Dim myFooBar As New cFooBar, P As Variant
For Each P In myFooBar.Properties.Keys()
Debug.Print P, myFooBar.Properties(P)