I have moved an sql database from one server to a new one (detached/attached)
Now i experience some strange behavior as it does not work but NO error is displayed.
And not to kick a dead horse but I'm doing something similar against an Oracle database and I've had two phantom problems I have yet to identify root cause but here's two things that made them go away.
1. Name all columns in a Query and Alias any that are calculated (sum, count, avg, etc.) So your query would become
req = "Select count(*) NumRows From tblArticleList"
2. Wrapping my query string in a call to cstr caused the result.EOF flag to be populated correctly rather than be returned with an empty or null value causing a simple DO WHILE NOT result.EOF Some Action LOOP to create an infinite loop until the web request timed out. So e.g.
response.write "Step 2//"
set RS = conn.Execute(cstr(req))
Nothing major just a couple tips if you get stuck and can't find out why. Follow the debugging advice above though, that's good info.