I am making a Java project with vaadin. Right now I have a user registration form looking like that:
public class RegistrationComponent extends CustomComponent i
Using Vaadin 8 com.vaadin.data.Binder easily you can validate your fields. See Binding Data to Forms in the manual.
Create a TextField
and a binder to validate the text field.
public class MyPage extends VerticalLayout{
TextField investorCode = new TextField();
Binder beanBinder = new Binder();
//Info : MyBean class contains getter and setter to store values of textField.
public MyPage (){
private void bindToBean() {
.asRequired("Field cannot be empty")
.withValidator(investorCode -> investorCode.length() > 0,"Code shold be atleast 1 character long").bind(MyBean::getInvestorCode,MyBean::setInvestorCode);
//rest of the code .....
private void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent e) {
Call validate() from binder will invoke the validation action.
to validate the filed. You can call this from anywhere in the page. I used to call this on value change or on a button click.