I am learning to write unit tests for ngrx8 application using Jest.
I am testing a component that has subscription to a selector in ngOnInit:
Mocking the selector doesn't seem to be the best solution. It would be better to mock the store itself.
You can provide the state in :
provideMockStore({ initialState: your_state })
allows you to do tests with different value in your store inside your tests.
BUT I suggest you do do the following if you have a complex store:
type RecursivePartial = {
[P in keyof T]?:
T[P] extends (infer U)[] ? RecursivePartial[] :
T[P] extends object ? RecursivePartial :
export class MockStoreState {
private store_a: RecursivePartial;
private store_b: RecursivePartial;
build(): any {
const defaultStore_a = {
const defaultStore_b = {
return {
store_a: { ...defaultStore_a , ...this.store_a},
store_b: { ...defaultStore_b , ...this.store_b },
setStore_a(value: RecursivePartial): Store_A_State {
this.store_a= value;
return this;
setStore_b(value: RecursivePartial): Store_B_State {
this.store_b= value;
return this;
describe(MyComponent.name, () => {
let mockStore: MockStore;
beforeEach(() => {
mockStore = TestBed.get(Store);
it('...', () => {
const state = new MockStoreState().setStore_a({...})
// HERE you have set the data in your store.