I am somewhat new to Verilog. I know that in a Clock Process we should use non blocking assignments, and in a Non Clock processes, we use blocking assignments.
I have c
The blocking vs non-blocking is so that your gate level (synthesis) matches your RTL simulation. Using a different one to alter the behaviour of the simulation as far as I know will not effect synthesis and therefore the behaviour of gate-level.
non-blocking effectively take a temporary copy of the copy right-hand side, and make the =
blocking assignment at the end of the timestep.
a <= b;
b <= a;
is equivalent to:
a_temp = b;
b_temp = a;
a = a_temp;
b = b_temp;
The example uses combinatorial logic, that is it contains no state, so all inputs must be defined by all outputs.
always@* begin
iowrb_int <= iowrb_met;
iordb_int <= iordb_met;
iowrb_met <= iowr_bar;
iordb_met <= iord_bar;
When the right hand side updates the block should be retriggered. Since iowrb_met is on both sides I am not sure what this implies interms of electrical connectivity.
while <=
implies copying to a temp location, combinatorial logic does not have this capability, it is always and continuously driven by the assignment.
I think in simulation you effectively have this:
always@* begin
iowrb_int_temp = iowrb_met;
iordb_int_temp = iordb_met;
iowrb_met = iowr_bar;
iordb_met = iord_bar;
iowrb_int = iowrb_int_temp;
iordb_int = iordb_int_temp;
In hardware you would have:
always@* begin
iowrb_int = iowrb_met; //= iowr_bar;
iordb_int = iordb_met; //= iord_bar;
iowrb_met = iowr_bar;
iordb_met = iord_bar;
Where iowrb_int
is effectively the same as iowrb_met
Flip-flops are implied using always @(posedge clk
Combinatorial logic is implied using always @*
but latches can be implied when the output is not fully defined from inputs.