I was sent a perl script over mail and asked to run it .I placed it on my local drive as is but when I tried to run the script it shows me
/usr/bin/perl^M: bad
In the absence of dos2unix
, you can use tr
(on Mac OS X) to strip the DOS / Windows new-lines:
tr -d '\r' < old.pl > new.pl
This will solve the "bad interpreter" issue.
"Can't locate Gpu.pm in @INC" is a different issue. Either you don't have Gpu.pm
installed on your Mac (or whichever computer on which you are running this, I'm confused by your comments) or it's not in your include path. I don't who what that script is or what it does. A quick look on http://search.cpan.org/ revealed nothing.
If you can get that Perl module (presumably from whoever supplied oldfile
), you'll have to ensure it is in @INC.