How can I convert an UUID/GUID value like 8348d2c5-0a65-4560-bb24-f4f6bcba601d
(that I genreated with uuid v4) in to OID/DICOM UID like 2.25.17450698773882054
Just in case you want library that serves the same purpose, you may use dicomuid.js written by samucs (StackOverflow profile).
This does not require organization root prefix; this uses "2.25." as prefix. This uses Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). It converts the UUID to a single large decimal number.
Following is the code copied from github:
// Create new DICOM UID.
// Result will be like 2.25.176371623884904210764200284661930180516
var uid1 = DICOMUID.create();
// Create DICOM UID from a RFC4122 v4 UUID.
// Result for line below is 2.25.329800735698586629295641978511506172918
var uid2 = DICOMUID.create("f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6");