I\'m new to JavaScript and a little bit confused with the duck typing concept. As far as I can tell, I understood the concept. But that leads to a strange consequence in my thou
So every time I access a property of an object which is not under my authority, do I have to check existence and type?
Yes you will have to check the whole path, once at a time, or you can automate it:
function deepObject(o, s) {
var ss = s.split(".");
while( o && ss.length ) {
o = o[ss.shift()];
return o;
var isOk = deepObject(e, "originalEvent.originalEvent.touches.0.webkitForce");
if ( isOk ) {
// isOk is e.originalEvent.originalEvent.touches.0.webkitForce;
Test case:
var o = {
a: {
b: {
c: {
d: {
e: {
var a = deepObject(o, "a.b.c");
var b = deepObject(a, "d");
console.log(a); // {"d": {"e": {}}}
console.log(b); // {"e": {}}
console.log(deepObject(o, "")); // undefined