This is a design principle question for classes dealing with mathematical/physical equations where the user is allowed to set any parameter upon which the remaining are being ca
I would recommend to teach your application what can be derived from what. For example, a typical case is that you have a set of n variables, and any one of them can be derived from the rest. (You can model more complicated cases as well, of course, but I wouldn't do it until you actually run into such cases).
This can be modeled like this:
# variable_derivations is a dictionary: variable_id -> function
# each function produces this variable's value given all the other variables as kwargs
class SimpleDependency:
_registry = {}
def __init__(self, variable_derivations):
unknown_variable_ids = variable_derivations.keys() - self._registry.keys():
raise UnknownVariable(next(iter(unknown_variable_ids)))
self.variable_derivations = variable_derivations
def register_variable(self, variable, variable_id):
if variable_id in self._registry:
raise DuplicateVariable(variable_id)
self._registry[variable_id] = variable
def update(self, updated_variable_id, new_value):
if updated_variable_id not in self.variable_ids:
raise UnknownVariable(updated_variable_id)
other_variable_ids = self.variable_ids.keys() - {updated_variable_id}
for variable_id in other_variable_ids:
function = self.variable_derivations[variable_id]
arguments = {var_id : self._registry[var_id] for var_id in other_variable_ids}
class FloatVariable(numbers.Real):
def __init__(self, variable_id, variable_value = 0):
self.variable_id = variable_id
self.value = variable_value
def assign(self, value):
self.value = value
def __float__(self):
return self.value
This is just a sketch, I didn't test or think through every possible issue.