I am using Solr 4.6.0
and trying to import my data using CachedSqlEntityProcessor
, but somehow I end up getting a ClassCastException
Solr CachedSqlEntityProcessor is depreciated somewhere around version 4.5. The new syntax uses cacheImpl, cacheKey & cacheLookup
I had to update the SQL in my data-config.xml
Old Syntax
New Syntax
cacheKey="fkId" cacheLookup="parenttable.parentId" cacheImpl="SortedMapBackedCache"
See full latest Solr wiki info, the old DataImportHanlder page is out of date https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Uploading+Structured+Data+Store+Data+with+the+Data+Import+Handler#UploadingStructuredDataStoreDatawiththeDataImportHandler-EntityProcessors