Swift Tuple index using a variable as the index? Anyone know if it is possible to use a variable as the index for a Swift tuple index. I wish to select and item from a tuple usi
Reference: https://gist.github.com/ctreffs/785db636d68a211b25c989644b13f301
In Swift 5:
func tupleToArray(tuple: Tuple) -> [Value] {
let tupleMirror = Mirror(reflecting: tuple)
assert(tupleMirror.displayStyle == .tuple, "Given argument is no tuple")
assert(tupleMirror.superclassMirror == nil, "Given tuple argument must not have a superclass (is: \(tupleMirror.superclassMirror!)")
assert(!tupleMirror.children.isEmpty, "Given tuple argument has no value elements")
return tupleMirror.children.compactMap { (child: Mirror.Child) -> Value? in
let valueMirror = Mirror(reflecting: child.value)
assert(valueMirror.subjectType == Value.self, "Given tuple argument's child type (\(valueMirror.subjectType)) does not reflect expected return value type (\(Value.self))")
return child.value as? Value
let sss: [String] = tupleToArray(tuple: ("