I am doing some calculation but unable to parse a string into int or even in float.I searched for solution and i read it somewhere there must be a empty string but i checked my
you should get the values inside a method so that your app does not try to assign the values immediatly you are creating them check below how am doing it using kotlin
myresult = findViewById(R.id.txtresult)
val1 = findViewById(R.id.valone)
val2 = findViewById(R.id.valtwo)
after getting the field use method as below
fun calculate() : Int {
var value1 = Integer.parseInt(val1.text.toString())
var value2 = val2.text.toString().toInt()
var result : Int
when (opType){
"+" ->{result = value1 + value2
return result
"-" ->{result = value1 - value2
return result
"*" -> {result = value1 * value2
return result
"/" -> {result = value1 / value2
return result
} else -> result = 20
return result
myresult.text = calculate().toString()
for those moving to kotlin and finding the same error I hope this code will help you