I am using Python2.7, and I can\'t update it, and I have this line of code, which raise an error at the asterisk, and I don\'t know why? And how to fix!
inp = tf.
The syntax error in your question has been explained by BoarGules. With respect to the problem that you are trying to solve, you can get the result you want with something like this:
import tensorflow as tf
with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
# In TF 2.x: tf.random.set_seed
# Input data
inp = tf.random.uniform(shape=[4, 6, 2], maxval=100, dtype=tf.int32)
# Find index of greatest value in last two dimensions
s = tf.shape(inp)
inp_res = tf.reshape(inp, [s[0], -1])
max_idx = tf.math.argmax(inp_res, axis=1, output_type=s.dtype)
# Get row index dividing by number of columns
max_row_idx = max_idx // s[2]
# Get rows with max values
res = tf.gather_nd(inp, tf.expand_dims(max_row_idx, axis=1), batch_dims=1)
# Print input and result
print(*sess.run((inp, res)), sep='\n')
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