I have a c++ solver which I need to run in parallel using the following command:
nohup mpirun -np 16 ./my_exec > log.txt &
This command
[mpiexec@tamnun] match_arg (./utils/args/args.c:194): unrecognized argument mca
[mpiexec@tamnun] HYDU_parse_array (./utils/args/args.c:214): argument matching returned error
[mpiexec@tamnun] parse_args (./ui/mpich/utils.c:2964): error parsing input array
[mpiexec@tamnun] HYD_uii_mpx_get_parameters (./ui/mpich/utils.c:3238): unable to parse user arguments
You are using MPICH in the last case. MPICH is not Open MPI and its process launcher does not recognize the --mca
parameter that is specific to Open MPI (MCA stands for Modular Component Architecture - the basic framework that Open MPI is built upon). A typical case of a mix-up of multiple MPI implementations.