I\'m building an app for a blog where a user can save their favorite posts.
When they do, I want to store my object which contains: the post\'s URL, title and image URL.
Since favorites for articles generally wont be 100K item then I would use NSDictionary
for an item and store them into a NSMutableArray
and then save them to a file. It is simple to use and you can also export the favorites to a file or even iCloud
to share between devices.
NSMutableDictionary *item = [[ NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
[item setObject:@"www.google.com" forKey:@"url"];
[item setObject:@"Google" forKey:@"title"];
//Add each item to the Favourites array
//You should declare this outside of the "addToFavourites" function.
NSMutableArray *Favourites = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects: nil];
[Favourites addObject:item];
//Save the Favourites NSMutableArray to the file.
if([Favourites writeToFile:path atomically:NO])
NSLog(@"Favourites are saved!");