I need to compare one given value with a retrieved values. I do this several times in the code. I am not satisfied with how it looks and I am seeking for a some sort of an util
You don't need a std::set or a std::vector. Just use std::set_intersection()...
Code is best...
using namespace std;
#define COUNT(TYPE,ARRAY) ( sizeof(ARRAY) / sizeof(TYPE) )
inline bool CaseInsensitiveCompare (const char * a, const char * b)
{ return strcasecmp( a, b ) < 0; }
int main()
const char * setA[] = { "the", "world", "is", "flat" };
const char * setB[] = { "the", "empty", "set", "is", "boring" };
stable_sort( setA, setA + COUNT( const char *, setA ),
CaseInsensitiveCompare );
stable_sort( setB, setB + COUNT( const char *, setB ),
CaseInsensitiveCompare );
cout << "Intersection of sets: ";
set_intersection( setA, setA + COUNT( const char *, setA ),
setB, setB + COUNT( const char *, setB ),
ostream_iterator(cout, " "),
CaseInsensitiveCompare );
cout << endl << endl;
Or perhaps, given your 1-N lookup problem:
(Note: Use binary_search() AFTER sorting!)
if ( binary_search( setA, setA + COUNT( const char *, setA ),
"is", CaseInsensitiveCompare ) )
if ( binary_search( setA, setA + COUNT( const char *, setA ),
"set", CaseInsensitiveCompare ) )