In Android, the date of every event (such as birthdays and anniversaries) is saved in String format, e.g. \"2011-12-24\".
This is at least the case for my phone. Some ot
Android works with date objects. Anytime you need to parse a date from string is because that date has been serialized, most likely in a file. In that case, you would know the format that was used. Date object is used in preferences, date object is used almost everywhere I can think of that relates to shared services, activites, etc. This means, there's almost never a need to parse string from date unless, like I said you're working with serialized source, reading it from a web service etc. If you can tell us your scenario, you might get more specific answer.
You can get the currently set date format like this:
DateFormat dateFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat(getApplicationContext());