On MSDN, this code is posted at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/try-catch I am unable to understand why it throws the error:
Compiler Error CS0165
The C# compiler does not allow the use of uninitialized variables. If the compiler detects the use of a variable that might not have been initialized, it generates compiler error CS0165. For more information, see Fields. Note that this error is generated when the compiler encounters a construct that might result in the use of an unassigned variable, even if your particular code does not. This avoids the necessity of overly-complex rules for definite assignment.
More-so, imagine this situation
int n;
throw new Exception();
n = 123; // this code is never reached
// oh noez!!! bam!
// The compiler is trying to be nice to you
if(n == 234);
In short, computer says no
Note : when you get a compiler error in visual studio, you can click on the error code and it sometimes (if you are lucky) gives you more concise information about what the error means