I\'m using httpie to test my custom authentication.
http POST username=\'username1\' password=\'Password123\'
If you search for the error string in the DRF code, you find this (in authtoken/serializers.py
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
if username and password:
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
if user:
# From Django 1.10 onwards the `authenticate` call simply
# returns `None` for is_active=False users.
# (Assuming the default `ModelBackend` authentication backend.)
if not user.is_active:
msg = _('User account is disabled.')
raise serializers.ValidationError(msg, code='authorization')
msg = _('Unable to log in with provided credentials.')
raise serializers.ValidationError(msg, code='authorization')
So it looks like depending on which version of Django you're using, either these credentials are incorrect, or the user is not active (for Django >= 1.10)?
Have you tried logging in manually in the admin with these credentials to verify them?