I was assigned a programming problem for homework, and I am at a stand-still. I have searched for hours today trying to find an answer, and it seems like it\'s never been asked
You can use an auxiliary array of length 201 since your range is [-100,100].
int[] counters = new int[201];
Suppose user entered -59, increment that specific counter: (You should add 100 to the entered number to find index, think of -100 is at index 0)
counters[-59 + 100]++;
Then iterate over the counters array and find the smallest non-zero element. Subtract 100 from that index, and that is the least frequent number surely.
int min = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for(int i: counters)
if(i != 0 && i < min)
min = i;
Now, it means that counters[i]
has occured least frequent, which corresponds (i-100)
in actual value.