I have a function
function my_dump($a,$name){
echo \'\'.$name.\":\\n\";
echo \'
How can
... I beg your pardon for new answer instead change of previous, but it would be too long (and thus uncomfortable) for reading.
Below is function from previous answer, that is improved for multiple usage of this function. This version is capable to get name of correct variable in case of multiple usage in one line.
It is not capable to get name of more than one variable - at least because I don't think it would be good (useful for anything).
new handling of result of regular expression
parameter $Index is not demanded - but its ignoring whenever else than the first usage of that function will give wrong result
\x20 in expression means space
exception class and exception message in try-catch block may be rewritten as you need
protected status of function may be changed or deleted
protected function Get_VariableNameAsText($Variable="", $Index="")
$File = file(debug_backtrace()[0]['file']);
if(!empty($Index) && !is_integer($Index))
throw new UniT_Exception(UniT_Exception::UNIT_EXCEPTIONS_MAIN_PARAM, UniT_Exception::UNIT_EXCEPTIONS_PARAM_VALTYPE);
catch(UniT_Exception $Exception)
$Exception -> ExceptionWarning(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $this -> Get_Parameters(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__)[1], gettype($Index), 'integer');
for($Line = 1; $Line < count($File); $Line++)
if($Line == debug_backtrace()[0]['line']-1)
preg_match_all('/'.__FUNCTION__.'\((?[a-z]{1,}\:{2}\${1}|\$this\x20{0,1}\-\>{1}\x20{0,1}|\${1})(?[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,})\x20{0,1}\,{0,1}\x20{0,1}(?[0-9]{0,})\x20{0,}\)/', $File[$Line], $VariableName, PREG_SET_ORDER);
return $VariableName[0]['type'].$VariableName[0]['variable'];
return $VariableName[$Index]['type'].$VariableName[$Index]['variable'];
I hope it will help you, like or better than previous version.
Edit: New expression allows using of more types of variables (not only common).