I am trying to check a date format to see if I can check the data variable has certain format like MM-DD-YYYY. if not, then exit(). I am not sure how to check the format and wou
If I understand you correctly, you want to check a string to make sure it follows the MM-DD-YYYY pattern?
If so, I would suggest two checks: one to make sure it follows the general pattern of digits, and another to check that the months are first and days are second.
function checkDate( $date )
if (preg_match("/[0|1][0-9]/[0-9][1-9]/[0-9]{4}/",$date)
if (substr($date,0,2)<=12 && substr($date,3,2)<=31)
return true;
return false
Update: Added an additional check on the days to make sure it is valid, based on NullUser's comment