Table 1:
id title chtml
0 Lopez, Michelle MD Lopez, Michelle MD S
this is the way to solve your problem
declare @table4 table
(Name nvarchar(22), Value3 nvarchar(22))
insert into @table4 values ('Lopez, Michelle MD' ,'130 chester lane')
insert into @table4 values ('Michael, Jogn, MD ','320 nolan street')
declare @table1 table
(id int, title nvarchar(max), chtml ntext)
insert into @table1 values (0,'Lopez, Michelle MD', 'Lopez, Michelle MD Spanish
49 west point 908-783-0909 CM ')
insert into @table1 values (1,'Michael, Jogn, MD', 'Michael, Jogn, MD English 99 show drive 908-783-0909 KM ')
declare @xml xml;
select top 1 @xml = cast(chtml as xml)
from @table1
-- How can I update the anchor link values of one table by querying another table data.
declare @titl nvarchar(22)
select @titl = Value3 from @table4 where Name = 'Lopez, Michelle MD'
set @xml.modify('
replace value of (/root/StartOne/Value3/a/@title)[1]
with sql:variable("@titl")
set @xml.modify('
replace value of (/root/StartOne/Value3/a/text())[1]
with sql:variable("@titl")
-- How can I update multiple fields, for Example `Value3` and `Value5`?
-- Answer: here you can modify Value5
update @table1
set chtml = cast(@xml as nvarchar(max))
where id = 0
select * from @table1