I am new to c#. I have the following in my project in windows forms:
Form1 with button and DataGridView.
Form2 with button.
Form3 with button and 3 text
1 Solution
You can use pattern with sending data further by constructor (special setter before Show method) and getting them back after window is closed by public getter.
public partial class Form2 : Form
Data Data1 {get; set;}
//Instead of Data you can pass Form1 class as parametr.
//But this might lead to unreadable code, and using too mutch methods and fields that could be private, public
public Form2(Data data)
Data1 = data;
private void buttonOpenForm3 _Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Repeat pattern
Form3 frm3 = new Form3(Data1);
Optionally you dont have to call 3rd window constuctor. Just create Instance of third window store it in first form and just Show it by calling first instance you passed with data. But this might be bad practice in larger scale.
2 Solution
You can use singleton pattern. Create Instance of an first form inside constructor of first form and use it in third form. But you would need to ensure that there will be no more then one and always one instance of this object in memory.