Currently using Mockito to Test a method from one of my classes. My class contains a List, and the method takes in an object of the same class. The issue is when I attempt to it
As @Adam says: "Iterating over a list using for-each
syntax calls Collection.iterator()
under the hood. This returns null because you've not setup mockito
to return anything else."
So you have to setup mockito in this way;
public void test_mergeShipments_increasesByOneWhenAShipmentOfOneAddedToAShipmentORderSizeOfTwo(){
//Mock the iterator
Iterator stockIteratorMock = mock(Iterator.class);
//In setUp method you put two objs
//Set a mock for iterator
// Instruct the iteratorMock when stop to return item
// Instruct the iteratorMock what obj return on each call
// You can skip this: mockShipmentOrders.add(mockOrder1);
assertEquals(2, shipment.getShipmentOrders().size());
This way is verbose, but you are free to modify the behaviour of the array list and also understand how it works under the wood.