I hope you can help me with this issue,
I\'ve this data below (Columns names whatever)
([[ 84, 55, 189],
[248, 100, 18],
You can do explode
with a join
after crreating another df from the series of lists:
df = pd.DataFrame(data).add_prefix('col')
out = df.explode('col1').reset_index(drop=True)
out = out.join(pd.DataFrame(out.pop('col1').tolist()).add_prefix('col_'))
Adding another solution if the list structure is similar:
l = [*itertools.chain.from_iterable(data)]
pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(l[1::2]),index = np.repeat(l[::2],len(l[1])))
col0 col_0 col_1 col_2
0 file0090 84 55 189
1 file0090 248 100 18
2 file0090 68 115 88
3 file6565 86 58 189
4 file6565 24 10 118
5 file6565 68 11 8