Suppose I have the following table:
4条回答 [愿得一人] (楼主) 2021-01-21 01:12 Well, I understand that there are dynamic rows generating. But it doesn't mean that you can't give the text boxes in each rows different names. You can definitely make it different. I saw your code in jsfiddle. While appending, you just count number of rows in the table and accordingly you, you can +1 to that and store it in a variable. And concatenate this variable in the name of the text box. So, that everytime, it will click add unit, text box in the row will have different name. Thats the correct solution. 0 讨论(0) 查看其它4个回答 发布评论: 提交评论 加载中... 验证码 看不清? 提交回复 热议问题
Well, I understand that there are dynamic rows generating. But it doesn't mean that you can't give the text boxes in each rows different names. You can definitely make it different. I saw your code in jsfiddle. While appending, you just count number of rows in the table and accordingly you, you can +1 to that and store it in a variable. And concatenate this variable in the name of the text box. So, that everytime, it will click add unit, text box in the row will have different name. Thats the correct solution.