I have an input field where both regular text and sprintf tags can be entered.
Example: some text here. %1$s done %2$d times
How do I validate the s
This is what I ended up with, and its working.
// Always use server validation even if you have JS validation
if (!isset($_POST['input']) || empty($_POST['input'])) {
// Do stuff
} else {
$matches = explode(' ',$_POST['input']);
$validInput = true;
foreach ($matches as $m) {
// Check if a slice contains %$[number] as it indicates a sprintf format
if (preg_match('/[%\d\$]+/',$m) > 0) {
// Match found. Now check if its a valid sprintf format
if ($validInput === false || preg_match('/^%(?:\d+\$)?[dfsu]$/u',$m)===0) { // no match found
$validInput = false;
break; // Invalid sprintf format found. Abort
if ($validInput === false) {
// Do stuff when input is NOT valid
Thank you Gumbo for the regex pattern that matches both with and without order marking.
Edit: I realized that searching for % is wrong, since nothing will be checked if its forgotten/omitted. Above is new code.
"$validInput === false ||" can be omitted in the last if-statement, but I included it for completeness.