I\'m trying to convert a simple Spring Boot app into a war file for deployment to my tomcat server but I keep on getting this error:
Caused by: org.springframewo
You're trying to customize SSL connections with your customizer. It's 100% legal if you are launching embedded tomcat server. So the flow is the following:
From the JavaDocs of EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer
Strategy interface for customizing auto-configured embedded servlet containers. Any beans of this type will get a callback with the container factory before the container itself is started, so you can set the port, address, error pages etc.
Contrary, you cannot customize any of those things on already running tomcat.
Imagine what kind of security issues you could face if you had an option to change port / address of already running tomcat with just deploying a war file to it.
If you really need to customize the ssl connectors you need to go deep into xml configurations of tomcat.
A great and simple guide can be found here