I have a a table in my database where I store categories for newsarticles and each time a user reads an article it increments the value in the associated column. Like this:<
This should do it:
max(case when rank=1 then name end) as `highest value`,
max(case when rank=2 then name end) as `2nd highest value`,
max(case when rank=3 then name end) as `3rd highest value`,
max(case when rank=4 then name end) as `4th highest value`
select userID, @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS rank, name, amt from (
select userID, Buitenland as amt, 'Buitenland' as name from newsarticles where userID = 9 union
select userID, Economie, 'Economie' from newsarticles where userID = 9 union
select userID, Sport, 'Sport' from newsarticles where userID = 9 union
select userID, Cultuur, 'Cultuur' from newsarticles where userID = 9 union
select userID, Wetenschap, 'Wetenschap' from newsarticles where userID = 9 union
select userID, Media, 'Media' from newsarticles where userID = 9
) amounts, (SELECT @rownum := 0) r
order by amt desc
limit 4
) top4
group by userid
Demo: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!2/ff624/11