I am frequently presented with the task of resizing images (lots of them) to a square and then saving them with PhotoShop. For example, if an image is 400x200 then I would n
Using javascript: You can use this answer to pick all the files in a chosen folder and loop through them. Within the loop you'll want to open each file like so:
var doc = open(fileList[i]);
then do a check of the length vs width:
if (doc.width !== doc.height) { // if document is not already square...
if (doc.width > doc.height) { // if width is greater...
doc.resizeCanvas(doc.width, doc.width) // use this value for both sides...
} else { // else use height for both sides...
doc.resizeCanvas(doc.height, doc.height) // so you always get a square.
save and close:
Depending on what you're looking for there is doc.resizeImage()
as well.
Adobe scripting guides