I want use decorators to format as table the following Zend_Form, placing a description in the first column and the Zend_Form_Element_Radio\'s opti
I would suggest a solution based on this answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/8451723/212940
Your form:-
class My_Form extends Zend_Form
const KIND_1 = 'dineer1';
const KIND_2 = 'dineer2';
const KIND_3 = 'dineer3';
const KIND_4 = 'dineer4';
const KIND_5 = 'dineer5';
const KIND_6 = 'dineer6';
public static $KINDS = array(
1 => self::KIND_1,
2 => self::KIND_2,
3 => self::KIND_3,
4 => self::KIND_4,
5 => self::KIND_5,
6 => self::KIND_6,
const DRINK_C = 'c';
const DRINK_M = 'm';
const DRINK_W = 'w';
public static $DRINKS = array(
self::DRINK_C => "cole",
self::DRINK_M => "milk",
self::DRINK_W => "water",
const FOOD_B = 'b';
const FOOD_F = 'f';
const FOOD_M = 'm';
const FOOD_P = 'p';
const FOOD_V = 'v';
const FOOD_W = 'w';
public static $FOODS = array(
self::FOOD_B => "burger",
self::FOOD_F => "fruit",
self::FOOD_M => "Meat",
self::FOOD_P => "pizza",
self::FOOD_V => "vegetables",
self::FOOD_W => "Wursterl",
public function init()
array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => 'forms/_form_test.phtml'))
); //added as part of answer. Note all default decorators are still available.
$_please_select = array("" => " please select ");
$input_lunch = new Zend_Form_Element_Radio('lunch');
$input_lunch ->setMultiOptions(self::$KINDS) ;
$this->addElement($input_lunch );
foreach (self::$KINDS as $k => $_descriprion) {
$input_drink = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('drink_' . $k);
$input_food = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('food_' . $k);
$this->setElementDecorators(array('ViewHelper'));//added as part of answer
As you can see it requires only two small changes.
Then you need to create the file scripts/forms/_form_test.phtml
which contains:-