I am trying to transition the script from one state to another based on Smooch postback payloads; but getting error code H12.
Consider the example https://github.com
If you want to advance the conversation based on a postback you'll have to first output the buttons from the bot's prompt (so you can handle the button click in the receive), modify the handlePostback
function in index.js
, then handle the user's "reply" in your receive method - try this - modify script.js
like so:
start: {
prompt: (bot) => bot.say(`Hi! I'm Smooch Bot! Continue? %[Yes](postback:askName) %[No](postback:bye)`),
receive: (bot, message) => {
switch(message.text) {
case 'Yes':
return bot.say(`Ok, great!`)
.then(() => 'hi')
case 'No':
return bot.say(`Ok, no prob!`)
.then(() => 'bye')
return bot.say(`hmm...`)
.then(() => 'processing')
hi: {
prompt: (bot) => bot.say('Pleasure meeting you'),
receive: () => 'processing'
bye: {
prompt: (bot) => bot.say('Pleasure meeting you'),
receive: () => 'processing'
Then modify the handlePostback
function in index.js
so that it treats a postback like a regular message:
function handlePostback(req, res) {
const postback = req.body.postbacks[0];
if (!postback || !postback.action)
const stateMachine = new StateMachine({
bot: createBot(req.body.appUser)
const msg = postback;
// if you want the payload instead just do msg.action.paylod
msg.text = msg.action.text;
.then(() => res.end())
.catch((err) => {
console.error('SmoochBot error:', err);
Now when a user clicks your button it will be pushed to the stateMachine and handled like a reply.