I need to deploy a JavaFX2.2 application on Mac machines. OS X 10.7 or later are fine with Java 7u7. What about OS X 10.6? Do we have any workaround? I think 10.6 can update
Reasons why mac does not work with javafx.. currently
From: https://blogs.oracle.com/henrik/entry/oracle_jdk_and_javafx_sdk
Note that support on Mac is for development only; e.g. we don't expect your Mac to be running a business critical server-side application...
Context: JavaFx is still in development on mac since java7, full on support was expected at java 8. Java 8 will be real eased september
From: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javafx/downloads/supportedconfigurations-1506746.html Quote:
MacOs is only supported in 10.7.3 or greater (Mac OS X Lion, the second newest operating system)
Context: Stating JavaFx supported configurations. There are many browsers where JavaFx will not work!
From: http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/
JavaFX applications run on a desktop. On Windows, they also run in a browser, and over the web.
Context: This with following quote implies only developmental progress on macOS
From: http://ed4becky.net/homepage/javafx-from-the-trenches-part-2-its-not-always-about-the-sex/?rcommentid=26916&rerror=incorrect-captcha-sol&rchash=35499a8f4e0544f950435495d20b0cf1#commentform
Turns out there is a bug in the ChoiceBox – JIRA RT-26837 I talk about on the JavaFX2 Forum. It got the attention of Jonathan Giles at Oracle, and he escalated the fix, but it won’t be out until Java8 is released.
Context: There are still a lot of bugs that will keep you from success on mac!