I have imported data in Spark dataframe in spark-shell. Data is filled in it like :
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4
A1 | 11 | B2 | a|b;1;0xFFFFFF
A1 | 12
Edit after getting this answer about how to make backreference in regexp_replace
You can use regexp_replace
with a backreference, then split
twice and explode
. It is, imo, cleaner than my original solution
val df = List(
("A1" , "11" , "B2" , "a|b;1;0xFFFFFF"),
("A1" , "12" , "B1" , "2"),
("A2" , "12" , "B2" , "0xFFF45B")
).toDF("Col1" , "Col2" , "Col3" , "Col4")
val regExStr = "^([A-z|]+)?;?(\\d+)?;?(0x.*)?$"
val res = df
'backrefReplace(1) .as("digits"),
'backrefReplace(2) .as("hexadecimal")
| A1| 11| B2| a| 1| 0xFFFFFF|
| A1| 11| B2| b| 1| 0xFFFFFF|
| A1| 12| B1| | 2| |
| A2| 12| B2| | | 0xFFF45B|
you still need to replace empty strings by null
Here is a solution that sticks to DataFrames but is also quite messy. You can first use regexp_extract
three times (possible to do less with backreference?), and finally split
on "|" and explode
. Note that you need a coalesce for explode
to return everything (you still might want to change the empty strings in letter
to null
in this solution).
val res = df
.withColumn("alphabets", regexp_extract('Col4,"(^[A-z|]+)?",1))
.withColumn("digits", regexp_extract('Col4,"^([A-z|]+)?;?(\\d+)?;?(0x.*)?$",2))
|Col1|Col2|Col3| Col4|alphabets|digits|hexadecimal|letter|
| A1| 11| B2|a|b;1;0xFFFFFF| a|b| 1| 0xFFFFFF| a|
| A1| 11| B2|a|b;1;0xFFFFFF| a|b| 1| 0xFFFFFF| b|
| A1| 12| B1| 2| null| 2| null| |
| A2| 12| B2| 0xFFF45B| null| null| 0xFFF45B| |
Note: The regexp part could be so much better with backreference, so if somebody knows how to do it, please comment!