Sub test()
Dim DataRange As Range
Dim LastRow As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim SplitVal() As String
Dim OutputOffset As Long
OutputOffset = 0
LastRow = Cells(Rows.C
That's a concern of its own; it belongs in its own scope. I use a function like this for short-circuiting otherwise redundant conditions - ParamArray
is the secret sauce here:
Public Function MatchesAny(ByVal needle As String, ParamArray haystack() As Variant) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim found As Boolean
For i = LBound(haystack) To UBound(haystack)
found = (needle = CStr(haystack(i)))
If found Then Exit For
MatchesAny = found
End Function
That would be used like this:
If MatchesAny(CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 10).Value), _
"Test1", "Test2", "Test3", "Test4", "Test5", _
"Test6", "Test7", "Test8", "Test9", "Test10", _
"Test11", "Test12", "Test13", ..., "Test50") _
'match was found
End If
You can quite easily tweak the haystack
to support passing a 1D array of values like @Jeeped's answer; the principle is the same: bail out as soon as you know your result; your current code will execute every single InStr
statement, even if the first Boolean expression to be evaluated is True
That function returns True
if any item matches the specified string. Sometimes you might need a function that returns True
if any item contains the specified string. That's another function:
Public Function ContainsAny(ByVal needle As String, ByVal caseSensitive As Boolean, ParamArray haystack() As Variant) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim found As Boolean
For i = LBound(haystack) To UBound(haystack)
found = Contains(needle, CStr(haystack(i)), caseSensitive)
If found Then Exit For
ContainsAny = found
End Function
This one calls a simple wrapper function around InStr
, which helps improve the readability of InStr() <> 0
Public Function Contains(ByVal needle As String, ByVal haystack As String, Optional ByVal caseSensitive As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Dim compareMethod As VbCompareMethod
If caseSensitive Then
compareMethod = vbBinaryCompare
compareMethod = vbTextCompare
End If
Contains = (InStr(1, haystack, needle, compareMethod) <> 0)
End Function
Usage of that one is similar, except we have a caseSensitive
parameter that needs to be specified (you might want to tweak MatchesAny
to have a similar signature) before the list of arguments. Again, same principle: bail out as soon as you know what to return.