I have a matrix (named ichimoku) with 516 rows and 2 columns ,each one of them containing values to be plotted, the goal is to recreate the clouds for the Ichimoku strategy.
If you find the intersections between the curves, then you can draw the polygons between the intersections. Here is a modification of a previous post where they find intersections between curves, and a function to draw the polygons.
## Some sample data
dat <- data.frame(x1=3*sin(3*(x=seq(0,10,len=100)))+rnorm(100),
## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20519431/finding-point-of-intersection-in-r
intersects <- function(x1, x2) {
seg1 <- which(!!diff(x1 > x2)) # location of first point in crossing segments
above <- x2[seg1] > x1[seg1] # which curve is above prior to crossing
slope1 <- x1[seg1+1] - x1[seg1]
slope2 <- x2[seg1+1] - x2[seg1]
x <- seg1 + ((x2[seg1] - x1[seg1]) / (slope1 - slope2))
y <- x1[seg1] + slope1*(x - seg1)
data.frame(x=x, y=y, pindex=seg1, pabove=(1:2)[above+1L]) # pabove is greater curve prior to crossing
ichimoku <- function(data, addLines=TRUE) {
## Find points of intersections
ints <- intersects(data[,1], data[,2])
intervals <- findInterval(1:nrow(data), c(0, ints$x))
## Make plot
matplot(data, type="n", col=2:3, lty=1, lwd=4)
legend("topright", c("A", "B"), col=3:2, lty=1, lwd=2)
## Draw the polygons
for (i in seq_along(table(intervals))) {
xstart <- ifelse(i == 1, 0, ints$x[i-1])
ystart <- ifelse(i == 1, dat[1,ints$pindex[1]], ints$y[i-1])
xend <- ints$x[i]
yend <- ints$y[i]
x <- seq(nrow(data))[intervals == i]
polygon(c(xstart, x, xend, rev(x)), c(ystart, data[x,1], yend, rev(data[x,2])),
## Add lines for curves
if (addLines)
invisible(lapply(1:2, function(x) lines(seq(nrow(data)), data[,x], col=x%%2+2, lwd=2)))
## Plot the data