I\'ve got SVG image (code below):
SVG arcs are drawn with A rx ry rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y
The key parameters here are rx
and ry
: the radii of the arc and x
and y
which are the final point in the arc.
For example, if you have a circle centred on (cx, cy) with radius r, you can create and arc around it, d units from the edge of the circle with:
This arc will be in the lower, right quadrant because of where it starts (cx, cy+r+d) and ends (cx+r+d, cy).
So call the radius of the inner arc r
and the radius of the outer arc r + d
. Now we need to know where to start and stop the arc. The x-coordinate of the start and stop points is d units to the left of the cx. We can find the y-coordinate by using Pythagoras's theorem to calculate the height of the triangle with a hypotenuse of r+d and a base of d:
h = sqrt((r + d)^2 - d^2)
The code for the arc will therefore be:
d="M cx-d, 50 L cx-d, cy-h A r+d r+d 0 0 0 cx-d, cy+h L cx-d, 240"
For example, with (cx, cy) = (100, 150), r = 50, and d = 10
Does that make sense?