I have a controller called Accounts, with the views signin and signout.
The corresponding functions look like this:
function signin()
if (!empt
CakePHP 2.x here
public function beforeFilter() {
// redirect url
if($this->request->here!= '/users/login') {
$user_id = AuthComponent::user('id');
if(empty($user_id)) { $this->Session->write('redirect_url_after_login', Router::url($this->request->here, true)); }
This will store the url the user wanted to go before request, only if the url is not /users/login (replace with your url of login) AND if no user is logged.
$redirect_url_after_login = $this->Session->read('redirect_url_after_login');
echo $this->Form->input('redirect_url_after_login', ['value'=>$redirect_url_after_login, 'type'=>'hidden']);
public function login() {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if ($this->Auth->login()) {
$redirect_url_after_login = $this->request->data['User']['redirect_url_after_login'];
&&filter_var($redirect_url_after_login, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)
&&parse_url($redirect_url_after_login, PHP_URL_HOST)==$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])
return $this->redirect($redirect_url_after_login);
return $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect());
I added a couple of security checks, like "is the redirect url a valid url?" and "is it redirecting towards my domain or an external domain?".
Note: I know checking $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
is not bulletproof, but here we're talking about preventing open redirect vulnerability, so it's enough.