I\'m writing a simulation in Matlab. I will eventually run this simulation hundreds of times. In each simulation run, there are millions of simulation cycles. In each of the
I think that you should use containers.Map()
for the purpose of speedup.
The general idea is to hold a map that contains all hash values. If your bit arrays have uniform distribution under the hash function, most of the time you won't need the call to ismember
Since the key type
cannot be an array in Matlab, you can calculate some hash function on your array of bits.
For example:
function s = GetHash(bitArray)
s = mod( sum(bitArray), intmax('uint32'));
This is a lousy hash function, but enough to understand the principle. Then the code would look like:
map = containers.Map('KeyType','uint32','ValueType','any');
for i=1:1000000000
%pick a bit array somehow
s = GetHash(bit_array);
if isKey %Do the slow check.
[~,indx] = ismember(bit_array,bit_matrix,'rows');
map(s) = 1;
if indx == 0
indx = length(results) + 1;
bit_matrix(indx,:) = bit_array;
res(indx) = complex_function(bit_array);
result = res(indx)
%do something with result