I have been lately working with bokeh for plotting. I just found out about holoviews and wanted to plot a basic box plot.
In my box plot I am trying to color per on
Most Elements in HoloViews have a color_index
plot option which allows coloring by a particular variable. Using your example here we color by the 'customer' variable and define a HoloViews Cycle
for the box_color using the Set1 colormap.
data = (np.random.randint(0, 3, 100), np.random.randint(0, 5, 100), np.random.rand(100))
boxwhisker = hv.BoxWhisker(data, ['total_time', 'customer'], 'amount')
plot_opts = dict(show_legend=False, width=800, height=400, color_index='customer')
style_opts = dict(box_color=hv.Cycle('Set1'))
boxwhisker.opts(plot=plot_opts, style=style_opts)
If you want to define a custom set of colors you can also define an explicit Cycle like this: Cycle(values=['#ffffff', ...])