I am currently working on a NodeJS project where I need to use some soap/xml/wsdl. The problem is that can\'t figure out how any of these works, so forgive my ignorance. Her
You can use easy-soap-request
,and this article https://medium.com/@caleblemoine/how-to-perform-soap-requests-with-node-js-4a9627070eb6 may help. It is just a thin wrapper of axios.
My code for your question:
const soapRequest = require('easy-soap-request');
const url = 'https://wsiautor.uni-login.dk/wsiautor-v4/ws';
const headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8',
'soapAction': 'https://wsiautor.uni-login.dk/hentDataAftaler',
// example data
const xml = `
// usage of module
soapRequest(url, headers, xml).then(({response: {body, statusCode}}) => {
}).catch((errorBody) => {