I manage to retrain my specific classification model using the generic inception model following this tutorial. I would like now to deploy it on the google cloud machine lea
In your example, the input tensor is 'DecodeJpeg/contents:0', so you would have something like:
inputs = {'image': 'DecodeJpeg/contents:0')
outputs = {'prediction': 'final_result:0')
(Be sure to follow all of the instructions for preparing a model).
The model directory you intend to export should have files such as:
When you deploy your model, be sure to set gs://my_bucket/path/to/model
as the deployment_uri
To send an image to the service, as you suggest, you will need to base64 encode the image bytes. The body of your request should look like the following (note the 'tag', 'b64', indicating the data is base-64 encoded):
{'instances': [{'b64': base64.b64encode(image)}]}