I\'m able to run testng scripts upon integrating with cucumber. I\'ve followed the exact steps defined in http://automatictester.co.uk/2015/06/11/basic-cucumberjvm-selenium-
Well, I'm not sure if parametrisation of CucumberJVM tests on testng.xml
level is what you are really looking for. However, if you really need to read parameters from testng.xml
file in your CucumberJVM framework, here is a (dirty) solution for you:
extend CustomRunner instead of AbstractTestNGCucumberTests
and also implement you new parent class:
public class CustomRunner implements IHookable {
public CustomRunner() {
groups = {"cucumber"},
description = "Runs Cucumber Features"
public void run_cukes(String someParam) throws IOException {
(new TestNGCucumberRunner(this.getClass())).runCukes();
public void run(IHookCallBack iHookCallBack, ITestResult iTestResult) {
As you can see, you can access value of the parameter. It's up to you what you want to do with it now.